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Letters MS

by Marisol M.
(Los Angeles, California)

So My husband who I love dearly with all my heart has MS. He was diagnosed 1 year before he & I met. When we first met, he was open about it & let me know. I told him MS is just 2 letters, it does not make you who you are nor will it ever be a factor in our relationship.

I kept my word on that. I have been to every one of his Neurology Appointments sitting in the room each time with him. I have been with him through 2 relapses, when he was in the hospital from 4th of July to the 12th. I was there when he got admitted & released. I never left his side.

When he had to do steroids at home, I was there for every dosage. Every Copaxone injection I was there to reassure him. When he got his new injections for Tigris, I was there to cope with him. Although who knew before I met him he did no therapy or had any will to do something about his MS.

His mother & father told me about it. I don't see him with MS. He has no cane or walker but I know his leg gets stiff or he has his days with mood swings & irritability or his fatigue kicks in. I respect him completely. I would only want the best for him.

Right now he has lost weight. I have been cooking for him since the day we met. We have been working out together to kick this 2 letters to the curb. I see great improvement in him since I met him. No matter

if he has one of his days, I don't pick at him about it. I just try to soothe him by giving him a massage or I give him his space.

Although if I may make a confession, I forget he has MS. I don't picture it when I think of him or with him its never a topic to us. MS never makes a person. MS never has you or is you. I know he says he can't do it but I always tell him don't say you can't till you give it your all. I know you can & if you can't let's do it together.

But I know one thing he can do is love me the way I do him. RRMS can shove it for all we care. MS is nothing but 2 letters to us. No matter how many times I hear it in the hospital when we go to his MS Clinic - how many times I see his Perfections (Not Imperfections!) MS has given him or his other symptoms. I will always love & admire him for his strength. I will continue to be there with him by his side no matter what.

I might not have MS. I am healthy, but his 2 letters became my 2 letters the day we both decided to start our walk together : ) I know some day MS will be erased. I have Faith & know MS will be never more. But till that day comes, we will walk with the balls it tries to throw & knock them out the park! MS, cheers as one day WE will say NEVER MORE!!

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May 10, 2010
Coping with MS
by: Anonymous

I heard a saying that I liked awhile ago...
"I have MS, but it does not have me."
I am sure that he know what a good support you are.

If your partner would like to consider a non-steroid approach, low dose naltrexone is a good option. No needles, few if any side effects & very low cost. For info online check ldninfo.org.
This med has been almost miraculous for me & helped me get back on my feet with a cane, when I thought I would never do it again.

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