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Meet Kristie Salerno Kent!

A Press Release about her new memoir, "Dreams: My Journey with Multiple Sclerosis"


“Dreams,” sponsored by Acorda Therapeutics, shares a story of overcoming denial, fighting multiple sclerosis and achieving lifelong dreams.

ARDSLEY, NY (May 29, 2013) – Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACOR) today announced publication of the breakthrough memoir “Dreams: My Journey with Multiple Sclerosis".

“Dreams” is the story of Kristie Salerno Kent, who faced the challenges of multiple sclerosis (MS) and went on to become a national advocate for people living with MS and their partners, as well as building a successful career as a singer-songwriter. This is the intimate story of how one woman triumphed over fear and denial through her passion for music and her decision to never give up hope.

MS is a chronic, debilitating disease of the central nervous system. Severity of the disease may vary from person to person, and include symptoms such as numbness, tingling, vision problems or difficulty walking.

“MS affects our emotional and physical health in different and often unexpected ways. For many of us, the first reaction is denial, and we can take extraordinary measures to hide our symptoms. I didn’t talk about what was happening, even to my husband, because it was just too hard to explain,” said Ms. Salerno Kent, who is also a paid spokesperson for Acorda Therapeutics.

“My journey from denial to hope was possible because of my passion for music, it inspired me and gave me the courage to retake control of my life. I hope that now my story and my music can help others to pursue their passions and use that strength to face MS head on and get the care they need and deserve. I like to say that the word ‘dreams’ may end in ‘ms,’ but MS doesn’t have to end our dreams.”

In “Dreams,” Ms. Salerno Kent explains how she wanted to become a performer because of the opportunity it offered to connect with people in the audience and other performers, but strange symptoms, including difficulty walking, made her too afraid to perform. She eventually gave up her dreams of Broadway and moved to Atlanta, where she married her high school sweetheart, Michael. While planning her wedding she received the devastating news: she had MS.

Years later Ms. Salerno Kent was presented with an unexpected opportunity to perform. She decided to take a chance, and the experience showed her that she could still perform even though she was living with MS. She went on to write and produce her first album, “Believe,” and to direct an award winning documentary about MS called “The Show Must Go On, ” and now performs for audiences across the U.S. She is also the proud mom of a son and a daughter.

“Acorda is proud to sponsor Kristie’s new book – a wonderful resource not only for people with MS and their families and friends, but also for anyone who has ever faced a setback in life,” said Ron Cohen, M.D., Acorda Therapeutics’ President and CEO. “Kristie is a phenomenon – her electric energy and optimism, her warmth and determination, inspire us to be better in the face of our own challenges!”

Update: Download of “Dreams: My Journey with Multiple Sclerosis,” at www.DreamsTheEBook.com. Ms. Salerno Kent’s story is no longer available to download. If you come across a copy, please let us know so we can update this page. 

You can also watch a video below that talks about Kristie Salerno Kent's documentary, The Show Must Go On, produced by the National MS Society.

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