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Heat Sensitivity and MS

Heat sensitivity and MS seem to go hand in hand for most MSers. What can you do when heat is an inevitable fact of living? Living in a warm climate or simply coping with the heat during the summer months can be a challenge. Taking a bath and the water is a bit too warm, (even if it's just the way you like it), can leave you zapped of energy for hours.

The heat of self-imposed exertion can also cause a temporary setback. A room full of people and the warmth that emanates from human bodies, can be enough to bring on a heat induced worsening of symptoms. How do you manage situations you find yourself in? Stay home? Avoid events?

You may elect to do this more often than not, and then you risk becoming isolated and depressed - a problem worse than heat sensitivity and MS. It would be so much easier to avoid situations than to go out, get sick, come home and zonk out for two or three days trying to recuperate. Just stay home in the first place and avoid it all together. As easy as that sounds, it can lead to isolation as I mentioned earlier.

So what can you do to solve this problem? There are several items available to help keep your body cool and comfortable during the summer months when you go out. And of course, you can wear them at home if you need to. One of the first and also very effective things to do is make sure you have an air conditioner in your home and in your car.

Central air is better than room air conditioners, but if that's what you have, it will work just as well. With a room air conditioner, you may be more or less confined to one area of the house during warmer weather. Central air makes all of your rooms comfortable and you are able to roam about freely without having hurry and get back to the one with the air conditioner.

There are other solutions available that will lower your core temperature to allow your body to recover. Here is a short list of things you can try:

  • Fans
  • Cool suit – a vest with frozen gel pads
  • Cool Tie or Kool Tie or hat – these ties or hats contain polymer crystals which are activated in cold water
  • Cool pads you place on your skin
  • Cool pillows or sheets
  • Cool pad – a pad that goes under your fitted sheet
  • Cooling spray
  • Ice cold water or drinks
  • Cold bath – with or without ice added
  • Cryotherapy – therapy where you spend short amounts of time in a cold chamber to bring your internal core temperature down. Helps reduce many MS symptoms

You probably know about or have heard about most of these solutions to heat sensitivity and MS. But what about cryotherapy. This one is a new one to me. To read more about it click here to go to Cryotherapy for MS

Products to help heat sensitivity and ms

Go from Heat Sensitivity and MS back to Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

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Cir & Akrista

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