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by Luciano



I'm Angela's e-mail friend.
I am an Italian and live in Pistoia near Florence (Tuscany,) approximately 20 miles far.
I'm sorry, sorry, sorry for my english (I speak english like a spanish cow)
I am a SM diseased and I send a big big kiss for all.
By by.

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Apr 28, 2009
by: Anonymous

Carissimo Luciano,

You are going to be my "e-mail friend" until I come to meet you personally when I come back to Italy and then we will be more than just e-mail friends!

As you know, I do plan to meet you personally and to thank you for being my friend for so long and for introducing me to Regina.

I am always amazed and touched to see how meetings work and how they happen...and how lives cross each other in so many very special ways...

Thank you, mio caro Luciano.
Talk to you soon...


Apr 27, 2009
Wonderful Comment!
by: Akrista

Thank you, Luciano.

No need to feel sorry. Your English is perfect. We (and I'm sure Angela does as well), appreciates your support. We are finding out how many lives she has touched in such a positive way.

I'm not Italian, but I love to say it - Ciao!


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