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Feel Better About MS

by Shelly

Hi I'm 27 and got optic neuritis about 2-3 months ago in my eye. Doc was not going to do an MRI but being the worrying person I am I'd already gone on the internet and made the MS connection.

Today I got my MRI results. I have lesions so I am pretty scared. Very scared - I've read some horrible things, cried alot and generally felt sorry for myself over the last month. I have been referred to a neuro but might not be for 6 months.

I don't really know why I am writing. I think I have been searching the internet for some kind of "it will be fine". I recently moved to Australia from New Zealand with my partner of 3 years and my 11 year old daughter and this all happened here so I feel so away from my friends and everything.

I have not been diagnosed with MS yet but found some hope in my age and one symptom being a good prognosis so I guess I just want to say thanks for making this site and I really hope you are all doing well. You seem to be such positive people I only hope if I am diagnosed I can be that positive.

I have a tendency to freak out and worry and relaxing right now seems like speaking latin. Anyway this is really a thank you for making me feel better.
If only for a moment - it was good,

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Aug 30, 2012
MS - not a death sentence....
by: Liz

I am praying that you will have the best possible outcome with this mess. I, myself, do have MS. The first moments of realizing that you have it are scary as hell. Please find peace with the fact that while disabilitating, it is not a death sentence. You are still a viable person. Be proactive with it, don't let it get the best of you. There are many alternative treatments out there that really work! Please, please, please...listen to your body. You know when something is working and something isn't in YOUR body. Doctors are there to help, but they can't know how things will work with you exactly.

Remember life will bring you no wall that can't be overcome. Might take a few attempts, but anything can be challenged. Be positive! Life is good! Even for those of us with MS!

Aug 30, 2012
Thanks Again
by: Shelly

Hi Akrista

Thanks for your reply.

I am not freaking out so much (still at times) but waaaay less now lol.

I have decided that I will eat healthy, take vitamins, exercise, and hope for the best possible outcome. Point is I guess I am fine now and that's what I should focus on, not what may be 20 years down the track. No point in being scared or sad about what might be - especially when it is only a might.

Thanks again for your site. It was reasurring when a lot weren't.

All I needed was some hope and knowing life wasn't going to be that bad and I've now seen pleanty of people with MS are lucky enough to live normal lifes so I'll focus on that.

Again Thanks and I hope all is well and of course you can use my letter if it makes one person feel better even for a little while I would be glad to share it and using my name is ok too.

Thank you again,
Shell :)

Aug 30, 2012
Glad We Helped
by: Akrista

Hi Shelly,

So sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. First of all, I appreciate your candidness about how you feel and how you are doing. So glad that our site has helped you to accept and deal with your recent symptoms.

It's always good to hear that we have helped in some small way. If we had had someone to talk to or at least share what we were going through, it might have been a little easier in the very beginning for us as well.

Thanks and hope you are doing well under the circumstances,


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