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Famous People with MS G-H

Here are the Famous People with MS G-H. You can scroll down and search by first or last name. And if you know of a person who should be added to this list, use the form at the bottom of this page to add them.


  • Gabriel, Roman - American football player (Los Angeles Rams 1962-72)
  • Galiano, Courtney - Dancer on the popular TV series, So You Think You Can Dance
  • Garr, Terri - Actress (Young Frankenstein, Tootsie, Close Encounters)
  • Gibbs, Sarah P. - Biologist - Winner of 2003 Gilbert Morgan Smith Medal
  • Gingrich, Marianne - Ex-wife of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich
  • Graham, Judy - Author
  • Grahn, Judy - poet
  • Grant, Samantha - HRH the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle's half sister
  • Gingold, Jeffrey - Lawyer, Author of Mental Sharpening Stones
  • Guido Crepax - Italian comic
  • Gurr, Robin – poet (see Robin Muir-Miller also)


  • Hal Ketchum - Country & Western Singer
  • Hardcastle, Rick - Businessman, rancher, former Texas House of Representatives member in District 68
  • Hart, Will Cullen - American pop musician and painter
  • Hartnell, William - British actor (the first Doctor Who)
  • Hartzler, Joseph - Chief prosecutor for the Oklahoma bombing case
  • Hathcock, Carlos - United States Marine Corps Sniper, (1942 - 1999)
  • Hayes, Eve - actress
  • Heinrich Heine - German poet (1797-1856) posthumously diagnosed
  • Henry Steele - Basketball Player
  • Henry, Stewart - Disk jockey on Radio Luxembourg in the UK (1942 - 1995)
  • Hervé, Lucien - Architectural Photographer
  • Heuga, Jimmy - Olympic skier
  • Hicklenton, Johnny - Comic Artist - Judge Dredd
  • Hofmeister, Ben - Writer, former U.S. Army Ranger and Green Beret
  • Horne, Lena - Actress and singer (needs to be verified)
  • Huget, Jennifer - Washington Post journalist
  • Hughes, Fred - Andy Warhol's financeer and manager

That's it for the Famous People with MS G-H. Do you have any to add to the list? Fill in the form below if you know more famous people who live with multiple sclerosis. We'd love to hear or rather read, what you have to say. 

A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H |

I-J | K-L | M-N | O-P | 

Q-R S-T | U-V-W |

X-Y-Z |

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If you know someone, a local personality, a famous writer, poet, athlete, or musician, who has overcome the effects of MS, we want to know about them.

Tell us a little about them and why they are famous. Add a pic so we'll have a face to go with the name.

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Cir & Akrista

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