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You may wonder what candida albicans or yeast - which is found in everyone's intestinal tract - has to do with MS. I wondered that as well when I first heard about it in relation to multiple sclerosis. These types of cells are fine as long as there aren't too many of them. They, along with bacteria – good and bad – live in our intestines and make up our microbiome.
The problem comes when an overgrowth occurs. How does this happen? If you've ever made bread and worked with yeast, you already know the answer to this question. Yeast needs sugar to grow. The way most people eat, sugar is not on the short list. I know for us, we love sweets – especially baked goods.
So, if your diet is high in sugar, you may have this problem or eventually develop an overgrowth of candida albicans. What's so bad about that, you ask? We all know the saying – too much of a good thing... Well too much can lead to a host of problems. But first of all, what other things besides poor diet can cause this issue?
Hmmm, interesting.... A few of those sound similar to MS symptoms. Or maybe in the case of antibiotics, as a result of having lots of infections, you've probably taken more than the average person would normally take. As far as stress - we all know this doesn't mix with MS very well.
One of the biggest causes of an overgrowth of yeast is poor digestion. This goes hand in hand with poor diet and possibly a direct result of bowel problems you may be experiencing. If you aren't “regular”, then this may be part of the cause. MSers are easy prey to yeast infections because you have issues with many of these already as a result of MS.
One doctor even went as far as treating the yeast problem to help heal the multiple sclerosis symptoms of his patients. And many times it worked. Here's a list of the symptoms of candida overgrowth:
As you can see, some of these symptoms overlap with your MS symptoms. However, if you have several of these symptoms, you could possibly have a yeast overgrowth or some type of food allergy.
So, what can you do to get rid of yeast? Probably the biggest and quickest way to at least stop the growth is to stop giving it the things that help it grow. Meaning, stop eating simple sugars – white bread, cookies, cakes, etc. If you can cut back on foods like candy, breads, and sweets like the cookies, cakes, and even fruits, this will definitely help. High-carbohydrate foods, sugary foods – these are the ones that fuel candida growth.
If you cut them out completely – go cold turkey, so to speak – this may work for a time, but once you begin eating them again, the problem will come back. It's best to eat in a way that gives your body a proper balance of carbs – not too high, not too low. The more complex the carbs the better.
How do you treat this pesky problem? Usually infections are treated with – you guessed it – antibiotics. But how about a natural antibiotic? Would this work? Check out the product below and the reviews that go with it. We've tried it and it definitely works when you take it. And for more than just yeast overgrowth.
Customer review: Liberty Rocks
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