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Awake at Two in the Morning

by Tom Harris
(Columbus, Georgia)

At two in the morning, I lie awake in the quiet of the night.
A police car, siren blaring, whizzes by. Silence returns.
Thoughts tumble endlessly in my mind, some happy, others not quite.

The kids' faces on a long-ago Christmas morning, pure delight.
Playing catch with them, watching a school play, times for which my heart yearns.
At two in the morning, I lie awake in the quiet of the night.

I realize the fridge was running when it shuts off.
A moth in flight flitters about the room.
The croaking peepers can't hush my concerns.
Thoughts tumble endlessly in my mind, some happy, others not quite.

Things I should have done; things I should not have done that now can't be put right
Haunt me in the wee hours.
I made mistakes and I took wrong turns.
At two in the morning, I lie awake in the quiet of the night.

My kids, my grandchildren, my friends, make the world bright.
Damn MS; this spastic body; how will I cope? The question burns.
Thoughts tumble endlessly in my mind, some happy, others not quite.

The furnace comes on. White noise subdues the uproar, the mental blight,
And the meeting between my high hopes and low expectations adjourns.

At two in the morning, I lie awake in the quiet of the night,
Thoughts tumble endlessly in my mind, some happy, others not quite.

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Sep 25, 2016
I feel that way
by: Anonymous

I read your post/poem. And it sounds like my thoughts.. lately I wake up between 2-3 am on a regular basis... I've had my symptoms for many years, but was never diagnosed until a couple weeks ago, the pain in my head and eyes was excruciating and I went to my doctor crying.. He sent me for an MRI.. suspicious of MS.. Now I can't get into a neurologist until late Nov... and my doctor won't treat my pain until I see the neurologist... I can't function...

My MS is focusing on my eyes and temples. I have other pains and stiffness in my legs and spine.. Waking up is the hardest part, opening my eyes the second hardest, actually getting up and trying to take care of my 6 cats is becoming more and more of a challenge... I beg them to give me some time to try to get moving, but even they look depressed....
Don't know what to do... My husband is never home and when he is he refuses to help me....

I don't understand why it has to be like this... it's very depressing.. I have nobody to talk to about this... except my cats.... Listening to other people's stories helps me to not feel so alone but at the same time saddens me to know that so many other people feel like I do at times...

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