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An Answer to Dottie

This answer to Dottie is a somewhat unorthodox way of writing a page on a website, however, I feel that it is necessary to answer this question even though it was asked almost two years ago. Dottie may have moved on and dealt with the fear of being diagnosed with MS on her own or at least with the help of family and friends who support her.

I sincerely hope this is the case. If not, Dottie, I want to apologize for letting your question get buried in another visitors replies and not get the attention it deserved. I would like to answer it here, not only as a courtesy, but as a way of helping others who may be going through the same thing.

Answer to Dottie - Her Question First

Contributor: Dottie

Question: I Am So Frightened

I have been having symptoms of confusion, memory loss, feelings of mental cloudiness, headaches, muscle pain, and weakness, and other seemingly neurological problems. Finally was sent for an MRI which showed large white spots in my brain.

I am going for a spinal tap tomorrow to help with a possible diagnosis of MS. I am so frightened of becoming wheelchair bound. I guess I am afraid of the unknown. I have been reading up on MS and scared of taking MEDs that may make me feel worse than I already do. I am in so much pain physically and emotionally.

Where can I look for help in understanding MS?

Reply: So Much Information

Hi Dottie,

On May 23, 2013 you asked the above question and it somehow got buried in a long list of replies to another question. Your heartfelt plea was missed even by our visitors who usually catch such things.

Hopefully, as I said earlier, you have been able to learn about and deal with your MS with the help of those around you. If not, here are a few suggestions which should still be relevant.

So Much Info

There is so much information out there now. You do need to research carefully, which I know can be difficult with mental confusion and brain fog going on. The fact that you found our site, shows that you are looking in the right places. Hopefully, you will find answers to many of your questions here by reading through the navigation bar to the left.

When you've exhausted our pages, move down to the Resources and More Resources pages where you’ll find links to more websites like the National MS Society and blogs by other MSers that can help answer that question for you. (Please forgive any broken links as we are in the process of updating each and every page at this time). This site will most likely always be a work in progress because MS seems to be an ever evolving disease - with new things being learned about it everyday.

And hopefully, you have already found a way to deal with this disease and are able to manage your symptoms so that you can continue to function. One thing I would like you to look into is Dr. Terry Wahl’s website and book about how she went from a wheelchair to being able to ride a bike again by changing the way she ate.

Many doctors want to say that diet and nutrition has very little to do with how you feel with MS, however, Cir and I (along with many others) have always felt differently. For the most part, we've made healthier choices than most and Cir has not progressed as quickly as some. We were never as strict as Dr. Wahl’s and still have limitations in eating totally organic. We do, however, eat a more healthier version of our already healthy diet, if that makes sense.

We eliminated almost all gluten and grains (we cheat less than 2 or 3 times a month - pretty good don't you think?) And we eat more vegetables and humanely raised meats when we can get them. We don’t eat processed foods (the FDA even said that this may be the cause of many diseases). It has made a huge difference in how we both feel and it only gets better the longer we eat this way.

Diets for MS

Look into Dr. Wahl’s diet or the AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) and see if it may be the answer you are looking for. Even if it doesn't completely get rid of your MS symptoms, at least you should feel a little better, because you are making healthier choices about what you put into your body.

I hope you are a little less frightened and able to understand MS better now that you've lived with it awhile. In most cases, experience is the best teacher. If you’d like to update us on how you are doing, feel free to leave a comment.

Take care,


In Answer to Dottie - MS Meds

PS: And yes, about Meds for MS. Even if you've been taking medication for the past two years, please look into the diet and nutrition options as a way of dealing with your multiple sclerosis. I'm not saying quit taking your medications. I'm just saying that you should look into nutrition as an alternative or complimentary way of treating your MS.

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