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Addiction and Multiple Scerosis

by Vicki Wood
(Cincinnati, Ohio USA)

My experience with Addiction and Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis:

(Dear Mr. Williams):

I would love an opportunity to meet you and share my testimony about my experiences. I know I could touch so many lives and I am in the process of building a ministry to help others less fortunate than I.
My e-mail address is XXXXXXXXX, address Vicki Wood XXXXXXXXX. (email and address removed for security reasons). I need you Mr. Williams.

Thank You for you time.


Hi Vicki,
Just want to let you know that I removed your email address and snail mail address for security reasons and would like to let everyone else know if you add these bits of personal information I will remove them.

This site has no direct link to Mr. Williams and we will not be responsible for anything that happens as a result of personal information being placed here.

About your Addiction and PPMS

Also, we would love to hear about your experiences with this problem. Addiction and chronic illnesses like multiple sclerosis are real issues. If you have figured out a way to deal with it and overcome it, our readers would benefit from this information.

We would appreciate if you would add your story, either here as a comment to this post or on the tell your story page. Primary Progressive MS is a quick progressing type of MS. We're sure that those MSers dealing with it would love to hear your story.


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Cir & Akrista

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