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Add Your MS Quote

by Akrista

Would you like to share an MS Quote that helps you get through the day? A short saying that helps when you're feeling discouraged? Or one that you share with someone who's feeling like they've come to the end of their rope?

Often times it only takes a few words to shake you out of a feeling sorry for yourself mood. Or you just don't feel like making the effort to do something that needs to get done.

Those are the times when a short saying could nudge you on or push you to just take the next step. What are the words that help you? Those words may be just the ones to help someone else.

Add a couple of sentences in the comment section below. Add your MS Quote so that others can benefit from what has helped you. Sometimes just a few words are all that's needed.

What words do you know that inspire you to go on?

What words help you to get through the rough spots?

What words help you get up when you're feeling down?

What words do you share with others when they need encouragement?

Share them in the comment section below.

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Apr 16, 2013
Happiness with MS
by: Tammy Riker

Despite all circumstances we face daily, happiness is a choice! We can either choose to be miserable or choose to smile and laugh the day away!!!

Sep 25, 2012
Facing MS Challenges
by: Shirley

We learn to laugh where other's would cry,

We learn how to smile where other's might frown,

We push through where other's would give up or give in...just to maintain all of the control in our lives that we can.

We are a blessed, and highly favored group of people.

Aug 25, 2012
by: Lori

They are not Brain Lesions.......they are just Bright Ideas!

Mar 29, 2012
Who Gets It
by: Melody Maynard

Nobody gets MS until they get MS

Jan 27, 2012
Living with MS
by: Megan

Living with MS - Life isn't over, just

We all have issues and how we deal with those issues makes us who we are.

Jan 25, 2012
Think Positive
by: Cathy


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Cir & Akrista

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