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MS Cartoon Caption Pages

Ms. Mouse at the MS Caption Cartoon Pages

Here it is! The MS Cartoon Caption Pages. Here you'll find all of the current and past contests here at Life in Spite of MS. We can't wait to see what you come up with. Just click on the thumbnail in the form below and then add a comment at the bottom. You'll be able to see what others have submitted, as well.

In 2 weeks we'll add another cartoon image and you'll be able to vote on this weeks cartoon and begin thinking of and submitting a caption for the next one. I have several cartoons ready to go, so we hope you'll enjoy them and keep coming back to join the fun.

Enter now! Click on the thumbnail with the current date and scroll down to find the comment section. Add your caption. Submit it and you're done. Simple as that.

Check back in 2 weeks, after the deadline so that you can vote on all the other entries.

Enter here - MS Cartoon Caption Pages - in the comments section below each image

MS Caption Contest

This part of the form is for me to add the cartoon images for the MS Caption Contest. Please Do Not submit your comment here.

Go to the first thumbnail below, click on it and add your comment/caption there. Enjoy and good luck!

Want to see other visitors captions for the contest?

Click below to see the contest captions that other visitors have added to this cartoon...

MS Caption Contest No. 4 
MS Caption Contest No. 4 by Akrista (Life in Spite of MS) Here it is. The 4th MS Caption Contest cartoon. What does it say to you as an …

MS Caption Contest No. 3 
MS Caption Contest No. 3 by Akrista (Life in Spite of MS) Here it is. The 3rd MS Caption Contest cartoon. What does it say to you as an …

MS Caption Contest No. 2 
MS Caption Contest No. 2 by Akrista (Life in Spite of MS) Here it is. The first MS Caption Contest cartoon. What does it say to you as an MSer? …

MS Caption Contest No. 1 
Here it is. The first MS Caption Contest cartoon. What does it say to you as an MSer? Can you finish the statement - You know you have MS when...? …

Click here to write your own.

We hope you enjoyed looking at the cartoons and coming up with captions. Come back soon, and send your family and friends over. We're certain, they'll love it too, even if they don't enter the contest.

Share it. Tweet it. Instagram it. Tell all your fellow MSers. Pretty soon we'll have a long list of images with captions - enough to make you smile. (At least we hope so).

Go back to the MS Caption Contest from Cartoon Caption Pages.

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