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5 Things to Do to Prevent MS

by Alesha Wilson
(Wilmington, NC)

There are many factors that supposedly affect one’s susceptibility to multiple sclerosis. However, there is still nothing conclusive about the real cause of this disease that affects the central nervous system. Fortunately, the factors affecting it give us a clue on how to deal with and prevent having this disease.

1. Have your families tested. Multiple sclerosis may be passed on from generation to generation, so it’s better to know if anyone in the family had this in the past. Even though your parents or your spouse’s parents are clear, investigating further back in the family tree can help ease your mind.

2. Get enough vitamins. Important vitamins such as vitamin B12 should not be ignored. Its deficiency can lead to health problems, including MS. If you don’t know what kinds of foods have B12, don’t fret because you can still get it through supplements.

3. Avoid stress. Yes, this is another possible factor for the development of MS. To keep your body healthy, avoid stressing yourself out.

4. Smoking. Aside from being a source of free radicals, smoking is also bad for your lungs. Nothing good comes out of smoking, so you better quit it soon.

5. Be aware of aspartame. Before you rejoice that your favorite dessert has a no-calorie counterpart, check the label first to see if it has aspartame. Aspartame is a danger to your health and there had been studies linking it to the development of multiple sclerosis and many other ailments.

Being aware of the things that you can do to stop a disease from progressing helps keep you healthy. Furthermore, if you protect your health, you will not be as prone to this disease as many others out there who do not have a clue on what to do.

Alesha Wilson is a staff writer at RockwellNutrition.com, leading natural health website that supplies Whey Cool (will open in a new window).

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