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Multiple Sclerosis
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Life in Spite of MS?

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Multiple Sclerosis - two Views

What: A view of multiple sclerosis from two perspectives


  • Cir, a man with MS
  • And Akrista, his wife and caregiver

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Life in Spite of MS Cir & Akrista

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We built this site to be both informational, as well as inspirational. From us as well as you, our visitor. We want you to share your experiences, just as we share ours. Together we can help one another learn to live with MS.

Many of you are looking for information about this puzzling disease. And you've probably already heard it from your doctor in their technical jargon. Now you want to know what it's like to live with multiple sclerosis, from someone who understands it from the inside out.

Someone who lives with it.

Each and every day.


More than likely you've visited many of the medical and pharmaceutical sites available online. These sites know the ins and outs of this progressive disease based on their scientific studies and trials. They want, among other things, to convince you that their product is the best one for you.

This is fine when you're deciding which therapy or disease modulating medication you should choose to slow down your MS. 

But sometimes, like us, you're looking for something more.

Heart + Experience = Inspiration

  • Like you, we know what it’s like.
  • Like you, we can relate.
  • Because, just like you,
  • We live with the reality.
  • Day after unpredictable day.

  • Whether you are newly diagnosed or have lived with this disease for several years, facing a life with it can feel scary and uncertain. You can't figure out which way to turn. Where to begin? Who to talk to?

    • We're not experts or doctors. 
    • We can't answer all those questions for you. 
    • We can't take away the fear or the anger. 
    • We can only be here offering encouragement and insight based on our journey. 
    • We also hope those of you who have lived with MS for many years will share your experiences. 

    What helps. What doesn't. How to laugh and not take yourself too seriously. How to get up everyday and go on. How to talk to others so they'll understand. How to look at yourself in the mirror and still love the person staring back at you.

    Thanks in advance to everyone who has helped to make this site what it is.

    A place to share what it's like to journey through life with multiple sclerosis.

    So that you will know.

    You Aren't Alone.

    We're in this together.

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    Life in Spite of Multiple Sclerosis

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    Cir & Akrista

    You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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